Sep. 10, 2013

The Mundane: Groceries, cont...

Yogurt, right?  Healthy way to start your day! Gonna stock up on some yogurt!  Lottta kinds out there, get me some vanilla, some peach...looks great.

Sep. 10, 2013

The Mundane: Groceries, cont...

HALF a LOAF of bread - I mean come ON!  Brilliant, right??  Who eats the last 1/3 of the loaf anyhow?  It is so nasty by then.  BONUS: Only ONE HEEL!  Luv you Amsterdammers...

Sep. 10, 2013

The Mundane: Groceries

I have so many mundane little quirky "Euro" things that I laugh about all the time so I'm sharing with you. (there's no one else here)  Thank God that anyone reading the blog has chosen to do so, unlike Facebook which I feel smacks you in the face.  If I'm feeling self-indulgent & posting every moment of my day, whether you want to know about my groceries or not, it seems you must live thru it on your feed all the damn day long. So, let the buyer beware, you signed on for this...

FRESH SPAGHETTI SAUCE in a bag - this was the first thing I bumped into at the market this morning.  I was so thrilled that a lazy cook like me wouldn't have to walk around the produce section to round up the zucchini, the bell pepper, the tomatoes, the onions, the fresh herb & hey what is that in the bottom of the bag? yessiree it is a mini packet of sauce (more herbs, spices, garlic & sundried tomato) to get me started.  thank you Albert Hein (grocery store) for making my life easier. and giving me a laugh.

Sep. 10, 2013

Real Life in the Dam starts now

Tuesday, September 10, 2013 almost 2:00pm..

A few housekeeping notes...I am still trying to figure out all the organizational features of this blog site.  I know for sure I typed up a bunch of nonsense at one point in the past 5 days but now I have no idea where it went nor can I recall what it was about.  Meh, not important.  But since I don't want to run out of pages, I'm starting this page to run on forever so that it is easy for people to pick up where I left off.  I think.  Not sure if it will have a maximum number of entries?  We'll see...

Also, you may have noticed that Bryan started a little section on the Mother Daughter Blog!  He *might* be blogging from the USA which is good because when we are apart & having different experiences this year, it will tell the full story.  Kai might make a blog appearance too, ya just never know...😲get ready to learn about MineCraft...

Lastly, this is called "REAL" life in the Dam (starts now) because today is the day that Bryan left for his first US work session & the "Amsterdam vacation" is sort of behind us.  Early alarms, breakfast, showers, packing lunches, riding to school, picking up from school, homework, dinner & all the rest falls into place (& on me) from this point onward.  Still loads of fun to be had here but we are buckling down.  The weather is aligned with our schedule & has started to feel much more like Fall, which I always love.