Sep. 14, 2013

This Week in Photos

Last Saturday Bryan's buddy Adam was in town so we met up for lunch & cruised around the Dam a little

Sep. 13, 2013

The Mundane: Laundry, cont...

...So until I master this mystical, magical laundry machine, I have taken this laundry thing to a whole new level (maybe this is what everyone does in Europe?  or in the US??? And I am just out of the loop?)  What we have now, folks, is a 5-step process: 

- 1- Pre-wash - (stain remover required as I am not getting fully clean whites just it my laundry soap?  Is it the quantity?  Again, is it the machine settings???

- 2- Machine wash

- 3- Spin / heat - It turns out that there's a lot less wrinkles to contend with if I get the clothes washed, spun & then partly dried. 

- 4 - Air dry - I bought this hanging rack (which I am proudly displaying in the middle of the living room) so I can shake out the crinkles & get more of the moisture out

- 5 - Iron - fun!  I have not ironed (unless you count crafts) since before my kids were born so they don't even know what this crazy lady is doing...

By the way, this machine holds about one polo shirt, two pairs of socks, a few undies & maybe a pair of jeans.  That would be your one load.  I kid you not, this Is a photo of "a load" --->

In our journey towards the simplification of life, multiple wearings of our clothing is high at the top of the list of changes we are trying to make!  Thanks again for reading along, I wish there was a scratch & sniff button so you could smell my freshly washed, spun, air-dried & ironed shirts!!! 🤪

Sep. 13, 2013

The Mundane: Laundry, cont...

Now what we have here is a magical contraption.  It will wash your clothes, it will spin your clothes, it will dry your clothes, it will cook your clothes, it will render your clothes totally & completely uselessly wrinkled if you put it on the wrong setting.  I have a user manual!  And parts of it are written in English!  And I'm still completely baffled!!!  Each day I try some new configuration & think "Now I've outsmarted this housewife's helper from the future!" but alas, I will get something soggy or overheated or wrinkly in return...  I hate to be so negative.  Stay tuned becuase on the day that I really do figure it out, I'll post my celebratory photo of nice pressed clothing & a glass of chilled Prosecco in my hand!

Sep. 13, 2013

The Mundane: Laundry

Wow it is really getting mundane if I'm about to share the details of doing laundry here.  Well get ready.  I only share this one because there have been lots of people who have said "keep up the blog so we will be prepared when we go do something like this!" So I am going down the laundry road... don't fret!  I have some much more interesting things to share besides this stuff!!  Stay tuned, always stay tuned...

OK so first of all, we knew this apartment was small & that the "master closet" was really just an armoire so we planned accordingly.  Here is ALL the clothes that Bryan & I (these are mostly mine of course) brought with us for the year.  We did a pretty bang-up job of keeping things simple if you ask me!  Only thing I wish I had more of is workout clothes. I'll find something cute to purchase here I'm sure. 😋

Sep. 10, 2013

The Mundane: Groceries, cont...

hey what the whaat?? what a glorious, delicious error I made today!  does that say WHITE CHOCOLATE will be greeting me inside my yogurt?? Indeed it does & indeed it did.  #dessertforbreakfastisokwithme