Sep. 2, 2013

Farewell Tahoe!

Diana & Janet saying farewell to Tahoe... in search of adventure!

Aug. 29, 2013

Goodbye USA!

Today is The Day!

We spent all day yesterday getting the last zippers closed on all the suitcases.  Knowing we each had (1) 50 lb max suitcase to check, (1) carry-on and (1) "personal item", we got everything we need for a year packed up, on wheels & into the truck.  My fingers were crossed the whole way to the airport and the mantra "under 50 pounds...under 50 pounds...under 50 pounds..." was repeating in my brain.  Bryan dropped the kids and I curbside & went to park while we wheeled everything to the counter.  First bag: 44 pounds!  Second bag: 45.5 pounds!!  my bag: 48 pounds!!!  I threw my fists in the air & screeched with joy!!!  OK last bag was Bryan's but to be perfectly honest, half the bag is his clothing & the rest was lacrosse sticks, lacrosse balls, my shoes & my boots!!!  He's going to be back in the US in 10 days so what the heck does he care?  🙃

So I put "his" bag on the scale... 59 we go... time to do a little shifting!  Did you know two pairs of jeans can be 2 pounds?  The rest was shoes so I moved them to Kai's bag & we were ready to roll, luggage fee exempt!!!!

Aug. 29, 2013

a lot of LUGGAGE!

The morning of the trip... all packed up and ready to leave grandpa's house in Reno.