Sep. 20, 2013

Some Things Are Exactly the Same. . .

How lucky for Kai.  Day 1 he is seated at lunch tables for the kids who bring their own lunches. (€5 per day was a bit steep for both kids to have a hot toastie... Adds up to about $67 US per week if you can believe it!  While we are on school pricing, after school clubs are running me $450 so far for Kai to take sculpture and art 2 days a week.  Lastly, those taking the school bus fork over about $80 per day for two kids!  Yowsa I'm glad we found a school and home that were biking distance from each other...) OK so back to Kai... He sits down at lunch and proceeds to have a nice little conversation about *what else* but Minecraft and finds these two awesome best friends that love it just the same.  They have been bffs for a few years and now Kai is in the fold as well.  He couldn't be happier that his playdates now resemble something from home...

Sep. 18, 2013

Latte at Home

The Nespresso "boutique" is quite an experience. I'll be buying my pods just a few at a time so I can keep going in there & having them offer me a nice cup of coffee...

So glad our apartment came with one of these great espresso makers!

Sep. 18, 2013

First Flat

Just so you all realize it is not just Rainbows & Unicorns here in the Dam, I'll let you know that today has sorta got "monday" written all over it, even though it is all dressed up as "wednesday"... 

I woke up at 0:35 which is 12:35 am and not sure if I ever really got back to sleep. No idea why... and then I'm wondering if this bed it too soft? And could I be getting permanent spinal problems?? And should I remove the extra mattress padding?  And are my eyes starting to go? How old when your eyes start to go?  What are all the steps & papers we still need to take care of with the government & the bank!?  Must remember to have that certificate FedExed to me!  And all the dumb things that just keep running thru your brain when you can't sleep. 

Then Kai tries to get up at 5...I'm sure his brain is running a Minecraft program but I tell him to at least stay in bed until 6.   So I am tired. Meh. 🤨

The morning routine is going well until we try to get the PE uniform (aka: PE "kit") ready... no bag, no adidas, no shorts although I do find one of the many PE shirts.  But where is the rest of the kit?  Not in this tiny apartment - it is impossible to hide anything here.  So he has left it at school or on the back of his bike (which has already happened).  Let's all hope he finds it at school.  Otherwise I'm sure I'll find the bag, his shoes, shorts & shirt at next week's flea market so it's all good...!

Riding to school is just a bit drizzly but that's ok.  On my way home I find the cobbles a bit more cobbley than I remember & look down at the flat in front.  Double Meh.🤨🤨 I walk the bike to the shop where we bought it & lock it out front...I'll go visit later when they open. 

It's OK because each of these little challenges brings me closer to the goal of knowing my way around, knowing what to do, how to be a city-dweller & how to take the little setbacks in stride.

bonus: This morning since I'm detoured home & not quite at the gym yet, I've made myself the perfect decaf latte right here in my kitchen & it is delicous.

Have a good day everybody & don't let the turkeys get you down! (that's a special shout out to mama Kath & Team Tinou)

Sep. 17, 2013

Latte #3

Today was a three-latte day.  I have not been at home since 7:30 am and I've done a lot of exploring!  Look how cozy this place is... This is the cafe directly across the street from the school and since I was not sure how long trams would take to get here, I'm a little early. No harm... I've got my knitting!!! And wifi! And a freaking adorable sofa! And a FIREPLACE FOR PETE'S SAKE.  Come on who isn't going to have a third latte in this place?  BTW I have found quite a lot of places that will grind some decaf beans for troublesome me.  I'm so happy for the decaf & so are those around me whether they know it yet or not....

Sep. 17, 2013

My Local Yarn Store

Did a bit of research last night. This place ranked at the top and once I found it I was so happy! The American Expat who owns it is so nice helpful and hosts a craft night every Thursday!