Nov. 16, 2013


rock & roll girl

Nov. 16, 2013

the lucky tickets: MTV Europe Music Awards

Sabrina just outlined the incredible night we had last Sunday but I just had to get a few more picures on here... the best part of this story is that Sabrina had written "EMAs" in her homework journal about a month ago & kept talking about wishing she could go.  I had entered a few contests online to win tickets & asked around but everyone said getting tickets to this event was quite impossible.  The woman next to me at the show said "it is easier to get a cup of tea with the Queen..."  When my friend emailed me to see if we could be spontaneous and accept these two extra tickets, it was 6pm & the show started at 9pm!  I'm forever grateful to my friend & his friend who offered to hook us up.  Mother & daughter both had a very memorable night!!

Nov. 6, 2013

Earlier That Night...

This may have been our first night out with other grown-ups!? We not only got to hang with our neighbor buddies but we also made some new ones who adopted us & wanted us to drink & eat all their food with them! SUCH nice Dutchies!!

Nov. 6, 2013

Movember Happened

What's better than getting a Movember 1st drink handed to you with an adorable mustached-face on it? This was at a real-live speakeasy we somehow learned about. It was fun and cozy & we had a really really hard time finding our way home that night...

Nov. 6, 2013

and MAN was it GOOD! was soo good that it deserves another photo... it might be time to introduce chili pepper ice cream in the states