Jul. 6, 2013

some photos of us...

janet & bryan

Jul. 5, 2013

The Big Year is about to begin...

~ The Big Year ~


Yeah, we may have had this idea in our heads & in our family for a really long time but the planning & execution of this adventure has been a very short & quick ride! 

On June 9th, 2013 we decided as a family that we were going to fast-track our "Year Abroad" adventure & now here it is, July 5th... less than 1 month has passed and we are dialed-in & ready to make the journey.  School applications & deposits have been sent, the campuses have been visited,  the children have been accepted & a beautiful little apartment has been rented.  Our home in the U.S. has been rented out & we have a laundry list of things to take care of before we leave on August 29th.


The Big Year in Amsterdam is about to begin!