like this tiny ladybug we are setting off on a big adventure to explore the big world out there...

Jul. 8, 2013

The Adventure of Amsterdam

The Raydon Family takes a year to explore Europe! Our home base will be Amsterdam, Holland & we are so excited we can hardly stand it! Please follow our adventures on this page which will be maintained by mother & daughter blogging team Janet & Sabrina...

Original Holland Photography by Sabrina & Janet Raydon... please message us here if you are interested in ordering images. Thank you for your visit!


09.12.2013 06:02


Yes, I do enjoy reading about your adventures. (But it makes me miss you, too.)
The great thing is we will start some new ones together soon.

17.11.2013 00:37

Grandpa Jerry


It's exciting to read how you are getting the max out of your Amsterdam adventure. New sights, language, people, food, and even new weather. Keep it up!

08.12.2013 11:00

Janet, Sabrina & Kai

Thanks Jerry!! All of us are so excited to see you in a couple weeks so we can tell you even more about our adventures!!!

20.08.2013 22:51

Robyn Lessley

Can you do a RSS feed so we get notices when you post?

03.09.2013 00:07


I have only worked with Wordpress, but you should be able to see if there is a plug in or widjet for an RSS feed. and then your friends can sign up for it.

02.09.2013 22:50


is that something you can teach me how to do?>?

19.08.2013 03:10

Maddie Stouder

I'm super exited about your adventure but I'm sad you are leaving ill see you in a year👍 lol! We should rent the party boat again when you come home!Luvya

02.09.2013 22:51


luvya too miss maddie!

07.08.2013 21:27

Kelley Thompson

Janet, I am so excited for you! What an incredible gift you are giving your children I will visit this page often!! Keep blogging!!! Yayyyy!!! XOXO

02.09.2013 22:51


thank you so much Kelley!! I hope they are able to find the best in this year too!! : )

19.07.2013 23:25

Christie Lynch

Good for you all!!! Can't wait to follow all the European adventures!

19.07.2013 23:33


we will try to keep up regularly! thanks Christie we can't wait to get there!

18.07.2013 08:33


Wooo hoooo! Right behind you sister! Happy trails!

18.07.2013 16:59


excellent I sure hope so Nicole!!!

12.07.2013 05:47

Elaine Morris

Hope u have a nice time in Amsterdam u guys! love Jessie

17.07.2013 16:54

Janet Kai & Sabrina

Thanks Jessie we will all miss you!!

12.07.2013 04:02


How wonderful for you all. Looking forward to reading about all of your adventures.

17.07.2013 16:54


Thanks Robyn!!!

12.07.2013 03:07

This is so exciting! I LOVE your sense of adventure and would love to do the same with Marc and Zoe. We create our own opportunities.Your family embraces this!

17.07.2013 16:53


thanks T!!! We will blaze the trail for you!!

12.07.2013 01:10

Carol Eiseman

I am all in to follow you vicariously!! What a wonderful experience you are in for! xxoo

17.07.2013 16:53


I hope so Carol! Thanks for following us!

11.07.2013 23:54

Tracy Saunders

So those of us staying behind will (after we get over our jealous tendencies) live vicariously through your blog! Look forward to your posts.

17.07.2013 16:52


thanks Tracy! we will try to stay on top of it!

11.07.2013 23:06

Lori Wickersham

How terrific for you and your family, Janet! SO many people talk of having such an adventure, but few actually do it.

17.07.2013 16:52


thanks Lori!! we just got a kick in the rear & had to do it now before Sabrina gets into high school!!

07.07.2013 18:30

Christina Piquette

We are so excited to hear all the tales of this fabulous adventure!!!!

09.07.2013 01:38


I'm so happy you want to read all about it!!

07.07.2013 00:07

Elizabeth DiJulio

Is Sabrina looking forward to going to new British School and making new friends with really cool accents?

09.07.2013 01:39


Hi Elizabeth! Yes I am excited to hear all the accents & wear a school uniform! love sabrina